Bleg: programmers, what tools and practices have improved your work the most?

Post your suggestions in the comments!

Backstory: I realized recently that I had pretty much stopped consciously trying to spend time getting better at my job. Which is pretty silly since I’m still probably in the bottom 5% of programming experience—I clearly have a ways to go!

I’m trying a bunch of different projects to tackle this from different angles, and one of them is improving the tools I use. I’ve noticed in the past that some tools, or practices, have had a surprisingly large effect on the speed with which I can code or the number of bugs I make. (I’ve started the comments off with an example.)

Unfortunately, it’s hard to know what these will be before making the sometimes-substantial investments to learn them. So I’d love to know other folks’ thoughts here!


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Ben Kuhn

At least in the past year, my top pick would be programming in good interactive environments (eg IPython notebooks). They just make the write/run/figure-out-what-you-messed-up feedback loop so much shorter.

I didn’t used to work interactively very much because of a couple friction points:

But I recently discovered that IPython’s “autoreload” feature fixes the first one, and spent a little bit of time configuring a “harness” that did a bunch of set-up to solve the second one. That made it a lot easier to use.

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Louis Wasserman

If you work in a language that supports it, compilers with custom errors are a huge win. That is, compilers that with plugins that error on code that technically compiles according to the spec, but is almost certainly not what you want. for Java; for C++.


In Java, new StringBuilder(“a”) creates a StringBuilder containing the character a. On the other hand, new StringBuilder(‘a’) creates a StringBuilder initialized to hold a String up to length 97, the ASCII value of ‘a’, which is just ridiculous. We cleaned up the codebase and turned it into a compile error so that will never happen again.

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Ben Kuhn

A solid runner-up (though not as dramatic) would be good autocompletion tools. These let me do a lot more without context-switching to look at documentation.

Specific recommendations:

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Nat Kuhn

The combination of (a) mass storage that was cheap enough that you could put source code on disk rather than paper tape or punch cards, and (b) CRT terminals with full-screen editors so that you weren’t using essentially comand-line tools to edit your source as though it was a deck of punch cards. Huge. I don’t think I’ll ever go back. ;-)

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Hillel Wayne

Wandered here from the magic of Facebook and Louis Wasserman woo

Efficiency improvement is something that I find really neat and interesting, because often it’s really easy (for me at least) to focus on large efforts for small gains over small efforts for large gains. You can get a lot of power from trying to see the act of writing code itself as a set of abstractions, and see how those can be automated. Here’s some stuff I found helps a lot:

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Ted Suzman
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Elizabeth Van Nostrand

in-IDE code linkage (e.g. I click on the use of a funciton and it goes to the function definition)

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Peter Hurford

Some random tips:

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Ruthie Byers

Probably getting good at writing tests. I find that writing good tests for code is often harder than writing the code itself, since it often ends up requiring you to understand a lot more of the codebase in order to set up the scenarios you care about or mock out relevant external dependencies. Tests are really important– when I decide not to test something, I regret it maybe half the time because it ends up having a bug, or I break it later.

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Paarth Kumar

On the practices side of things:

Follow your instinct to be lazy

If something is genuinely annoying about how you’re building something (and/or there’s a bunch of boilerplate), there’s likely a better way.

The fun thing is this is a self-resolving issue. If it’s annoying you it’s probably annoying someone else who has fixed it. If there is no fix, you can fix it for yourself. Following that instinct has led to some solutions and an overall more pleasant coding experience.


Symlinks are love, Symlinks are life.

I’ve had much cleaner organization patterns evolve because I can use symlinks as standins for true paths. You can see examples of this in package managers (homebrew is pretty transparent about this) for library support. You can use symlinks to monkey patch other software and can build user environments more cleanly. There are also certain tools and libraries that may make assumptions about paths on your system that aren’t relevant to your case. Symlinks allow you to meet those requirements without altering your personal directory structure.

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Ian Smith

The mental epiphany of “I don’t know what this library is doing … oh, the source is available, I can look at it myself”. (Which led to “I can fix it myself”!)

Also, tools. I don’t use an IDE, I use vim for everything; but I have a ton of bash aliases and scripts for things like “run tests”, “push to code review”, “get the current release branch and cherry-pick this commit to it”. Automating all the parts of my workflow that I can, so that I can focus my energy on the parts that are interesting and unautomatable.

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James Ty

Pair programming, going to group coding sessions/civic hacking events and online peer reviews. The more collaborative the process the more we can learn and improve from each other. I was excited to see the other day… Fun seeing people coding, listening to music and chatting/getting feedback about the process. Anything to make coding more accessible, fun and collaborative.

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Michael Levitt

Hi Ben,

I was pointed to your site by Nat and found it very interesting. I have been writing code continuously since 1967 and find that languages are much less important than work habit. II use FORTRAN, Perl and csh and make no apologies for being an early adopter, using FORTRAN for a decade before c was invented and Perl a decade before Python was available.

For me, the hardest thing is keeping context and not forgetting what I am doing in spite of continual interruptions. I do this by five strategies: (1) I hacked the tty manager in linux (and now OSX) to remember a separate command history for each window. I open 20 windows using the ancient Windows Manager fvmw2 and each remember 5,000 commands. Each month I save my histories and have a script that can tells me when and in which window I used any command or fragment thereof (350,000 lines since 2005). (2) I have a journal that is a text file with dated sections. It was started in 1997 and is now 65,000 lines long. (3) I wrote my own locate script that indexes, title, size, date created and date last used of all 5.5 million files on my laptop. I also use spotlight to index some files and have a Windows virtual machine that full text indexes 350,000 emails and 640,000 files. (4) Use reliable hardware that is customized as needed (right now a 2012 MacBook Pro with 16 GM memory and 1 TB SSD and 2 TB HDD). This machine is continuously backed up and always wakes from sleep. (5) I use emacs in server mode and likely never use more than a dozen commands that my fingers remember.

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